Bob Fecteau is a Tier 1 CIO with SAIC. This episode reviews leadership vs management, being a financial expert, examples of owning problems, building CIOs, the skills needed to be a next gen CIO
Chuck Blakeman has built 8 businesses on 4 continents. He is the CEO of Crankset Group which helps businesses move from an Industrial Age to a Participation Age Company. In this episode you will learn how to move from an employee mentality to a stakeholder mindset and many other concepts for leaders and entrepreneurs.
A great podcast with Kelly Dempsey of NIST covering Printers, Printer Security, Risks embedded windows 2000, embedded xp. printer service contracts, network takedown risk, DDOS, patching risk, monitoring risk, printer capability, overwriting, encryption, segmentation, non-volatile storage, port management, non-volatile storage confidentiality, risk management, printer lease agreement